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Optional - applying changes to the "eXECUTED Schedule"

In a situation where the event initiated and approved by the request changes, e.g. when:

  • the overtime hours requested by the employee will turn out to be longer or shorter;
  • overtime collection took place at a different time than on the request, or it did not take place;
  • the requested absence did not take place;

the supervisor is obliged to seed the appropriate changes. It is possible on the executed schedule by:

  • remove or enter actual overtime,
  • remove or enter actual overtime time;

Removing or editing an event resulting from the approval of the application does not change the information on the Application. Means, that if overtime is inserted by accepting the request and then removed from the artwork, the request goes on will have the status "Accepted".

1Example - editing overtime

Editing overtime:

  1. We open the schedule and right-click on the day on which the correction should be made overtime (fig., [1]).
  2. From the context menu that appears, select the command "Order overtime / completion" (fig., [2]).
  3. Set overtime in the "Overtime" window, then save the change.

In the example, the work was scheduled for 08: 00-16: 00. Overtime was requested from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Correction in in this case, it consists in setting the end of additional work to 17:00 (fig., [1]).

2Use the function to set the actual working hours

If we want to add overtime, overtime is collected directly on the schedule performed on a given day flexible working hours eg + -60min (fig. 1, [1]) the actual working hours must first be determined ".

  1. Click with the right mouse button on the day on which the actual working time should be set (fig. 1, [1]).
  2. From the context menu that appears, select the "Set actual working hours" command (Fig. 1, [2]).
  3. Set the correct working time, then save the change (fig. 2, [1,2]).