Logged user:



Accont creating

The Company page allows you to set up an account for an employee.

To do:

1Find the New Account option

To set up an employee account, go to the Company tab, and then click on the Employee Accounts tab and select the New account option (Fig.)

2Fill the fields

After clicking on the option, the window for creating a new account will appear (Fig.)

Fields to be set:

  1. username - the name that the employee will use to log into the application
  2. password - employee's password (he should change it when logging in for the first time)
  3. e-mail address (optional) - the employee's e-mail address to which, notifications will be sent regarding the applications
  4. associated employee - the employee the account will be associated with
  5. permissions - the permissions that the user will have
  6. manager - available graphics / objects - in the case of managerial rights, select objects from the list, which he will manage
  7. user access to pages - application pages to which the user will have access (select automatically after selecting permissions)