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Adding absence


Delegation is absenteeism that can be added in various ways. Depending on how it is introduced on schedule, it will display differently.

  1. Adding a multi-day delegation on a schedule - will set the delegation hours according to the scheduled working hours (fig.)
  2. Adding a multi-day delegation by request without setting hours - the delegation will be displayed on the schedule, as well as the several-day delegation introduced by the schedule.
  3. Adding several days delegation by request including hours - in which case hours delegation are calculated without taking into account the hours of scheduled work (Fig.). If a delegation was added in range 09/14/2020 07:00 - 09/16/2020 18:00, the app calculates the duration hours as:
    • 14.09.2020: 07:00-24:00 (17h)
    • 15.09.2020: 00:00-24:00 (24h)
    • 16.09.2020: 00:00-18:00 (18h)
  4. Adding an hourly delegation from the application / on the schedule - the hours of absence are counted according to these given by the user, no matter if they coincide with the working hours.

2Break for feeding

Breastfeeding break is an hourly absenteeism that is added only to the schedule. It does not count it until work, as well as business trips or training.